Just got back today from a wonderful time at Pelee Island with some LWI members. Starting at 12pm friday, was the start of SpringSong, and the Green 24-hr Bird Race for the Botham Cup. I competed once again this year, but with Eric Marcum and Maris Apse. We ended in 3rd place with 119 species. It was great fun birding with these guys, and I wisht I had brought my camera during the race, there were so many great photo-opps!! Some highlights from the race incl: Osprey, Common Nighthawk (only seen by myself and Eric so it didn't count), Red-headed Woodpecker, Yellow-throated, and White-eyed Vireos, N. Mockingbird, 2 Louisiana Waterthrushes (seeing them Everywhere now!), Orange-crowned Warbler, and a female Cerulean Warbler (at about 10-15ft). Also, a nice 1-2-3-BANG starting with Prothonotary Warbler, then Clay-coloured Sparrow, and finally Yellow-throated Warbler, All within about 30min!!
Bird Race eBird Checklist (incl. species not countable due to not all team members getting)
Outside of the competition, the biggest highlight was a nice male Golden-winged Warbler just outside our tent! And also a quick look at my FOY Ruddy Turnstone was a nice addition.
Now for some pics!
Missed this sp. for the count, but got 2 the next day! |
its in mid-air! |
Dunlins! |
Not gonna lie....Solid luck! |
Whats that fat spherical thing in the tree? A Siskin. |
Until next time....
Good Birding!
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