Monday, 20 May 2013

LIFER Among More Year Birdz

First thing this-morning, my dad and I went to Marthaville Wildlife Management Area for our first of 2-3 Marsh Monitoring days. I was surprised to hear a Blue-winged Warbler singing shortly after we arrived, though I suppose I shouldn't have been, the habitat isn't that strange for them. Also strange was a Green Heron sitting on a wire just outside the park. Anyways here is the checklist of the whole time we were there:
Marthaville eBird Checklist

If you looked at the checklist, I bet you noticed that Acadian Flycatcher was on it. There was one there! Very strange habitat for one though. I remember seeing a checklist last year from I think it was Eric Marcum there that had one as well, and I remember being very confused about it, just like I am now. anyways, Acadian Flycatcher (#211). Also got Marsh Wren there which I was sure I had somewhere else, but apparently not because it is apparently #212 for my eBird list.

When we got backhome, we decided to go to Kettle Point area. Got a few more year birds up there, first off was the Black-bellied Plovers(11) (#213) that my dad picked out while I was scanning a small group of Dunlin. Little did we know, there were another 9 of the plovers around the point, a group of 7 and a pair. But when scanning the distant group of 7, I came across the more slender, smaller-headed molting American Golden-Plover (#214).
As walking further along, I stopped in my tracks as I saw a small shorebird running along the rocks it blended into 20ft in front of us. Pulled up and bins and saw, my LIFER, Piping Plover!! Likely same bird reported by Maris Apse the day previous, and an extremely exciting bird! Piping Plover, (yr#215), (countylife#261), (life#365). Came close for pics too!
We also got a few Caspian Terns (#216) flying around calling before we got back to the car.
Kettle Point eBird Checklist

Last year bird of the day was back in or forest this afternoon. One female type Canada Warbler (#217) foraging near the ground. Also got another new yard bird while driving back over our creek. Common Loon (yard#183).

New Yardbird Common Loon
Lastly, a question for any of you, should I be writing an OBRC report on my Cassin's/Western Kingbird last week or not? I'm not really sure if it is necessary.

And also, I would like to thank Maris Apse fro reporting the Plover yesterday, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten it.

Good Birding!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

2 AMAZING Yard Birdz! Plus Warblers! (Finally)

So thursday evening, I had a Fantastic walk in our woods. shortly after I got in there, I looked up and saw flying low over the leaves, a Common Raven(#186)!! I was obviously a Raven, first off it was huge! Second it was being mobbed by Am. Crows, so size and shape was apparent, and third, it called for me! So that was quite an excitement!! Then in the morning(friday), as I was getting on the bus for school, a interesting flycatcher flew over my yard heading NNW. What type of flycatcher you may ask? Well, still not 100% sure, about 80% sure it was a Western Kingbird!! Not sure it wasn't a Cassin's though.. Still a FANTASTIC bird!! And Very Very Exciting!!

Saturday, was birding for most of the day, and visited Dow Wetlands, Canatara, Wawanosh Wetlands, Bright's Grove Sewage Lagoons, and Forest Sewage Lagoons.
Here are my most recent additions since my last post, other then today:
184-Cape May Warbler-May.16-Back Yard
185-Orchard Oriole-" "
186-Common Raven-" "
187-Indigo Bunting-" "
188-Yellow-throated Vireo-" "
189-Red-eyed Vireo-" "
191-American Bittern-May.18-Dow Wetlands
192-Willow Flycatcher-" "
193-Upland Sandpiper-" "
194-Blackpoll Warbler-May.18-Canatara
195-Red-headded Woodpecker-" "
196-Clay-colored Sparrow(times2)-May.18-Wawanosh Wetlands
197-Bobolink-" "
198-Eastern Wood-Pewee-" "
199-Wilson's Warbler-" "
200!! -Mourning Warbler-" "
201-Solitary Sandpiper-May.18-Bright's Grove Sewage Lagoons
202-Least Sandpiper-May.18-Forest Sewage Lagoons
203-Short-billed Dowitcher-" "

Today I went to Watford Sewage Lagoons. Also got a number of birds!
204-Ruddy Turnstone (two in flock of other shorebirds)
205-Semipalmated Plover
206-Wilson's Phalarope (distant female)
207-White-rumped Sandpiper
208-Semipalmated Sandpiper

Tonight went for a short walk in the woods and got a pair of Black-billed Cuckoos (#210)

Clay-coloured Sparrow


Mourning Warbler

Northern Parula

Blackpoll Warbler

Cavasback at Forest Lagoons

White-rumped Sandp. and Dunlin

WRSA, DUNL, LESA, and maybe others not sure.
It's been a good weekend so far! I will finish this post with a neat sighting from Canatara on Wednesday.

Good Birding!!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Pelee Island

Just got back today from a wonderful time at Pelee Island with some LWI members. Starting at 12pm friday, was the start of SpringSong, and the Green 24-hr Bird Race for the Botham Cup. I competed once again this year, but with Eric Marcum and Maris Apse. We ended in 3rd place with 119 species. It was great fun birding with these guys, and I wisht I had brought my camera during the race, there were so many great photo-opps!! Some highlights from the race incl: Osprey, Common Nighthawk (only seen by myself and Eric so it didn't count), Red-headed Woodpecker, Yellow-throated, and White-eyed Vireos, N. Mockingbird, 2 Louisiana Waterthrushes (seeing them Everywhere now!), Orange-crowned Warbler, and a female Cerulean Warbler (at about 10-15ft). Also, a nice 1-2-3-BANG starting with Prothonotary Warbler, then Clay-coloured Sparrow, and finally Yellow-throated Warbler, All within about 30min!!
Bird Race eBird Checklist (incl. species not countable due to not all team members getting)

Outside of the competition, the biggest highlight was a nice male Golden-winged Warbler just outside our tent! And also a quick look at my FOY Ruddy Turnstone was a nice addition.

Now for some pics!

Missed this sp. for the count, but got 2 the next day!

its in mid-air!


Not gonna lie....Solid luck!

Whats that fat spherical thing in the tree? A Siskin.

Until next time....
Good Birding!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Pelee Weekend & the First Day Back

For the most part Point Pelee was very good! I'll start with the first day.
Saturday, got to the tip around 6:50ish, and soon-after noticed my camera battery was dead... After talking to a few people, we left the tip for there wasn't anything around of interest or much of a reverse migration going on. We headed down West Beach Trail and got a couple birds. Best being Northern Mockingbird, but also got all 3 Scoters, and Grasshopper Sparrow. Since most of the day is now somewhat a blur of the past, I'll just go on to the kite story.... I MISSED IT!! When I had heard about it, we were in DeLauriere, so we decided we should book it to the viewing platform on the trail. Once we got there, we waited about 20min hoping it would fly-over. Unfortunately it didn't. It flew over the DeLauriere Parking Lot!!! But not visible from the platform. Probably should have headed to the VisitorCenter like everybody else did! Oh well..... Later we went to Hillman to see what shorebirds were around, a few Back-bellied Plovers were the most interesting. Later at night, walked to the tip hoping to get the Chuck-wills-widow to call, but again...No Success! But worst of all, ended up with a 99sp day! One away from the big 100!! Over-all, somewhat dissappointing day, but I've had worse! I mean 99sp in a day is fairly good!
Point Pelee May04 eBird Checklist

Saturday was much better! Not a ton more species, but I did break 100! ended with 105 if I have counted right. Many Very Nice Birds! Incl, 3 Little Gulls, Merlin, & Many Warblers, and my (long-over-due) LIFER Louisiana Waterthrush. But for the rest you should check out the checklist!:
Point Pelee May05 eBird Checklist

Last place we stopped before leaving the Point Pelee area was Hillman Marsh. Soon after I got there, I got a text from David B. saying there area Black-necked Stilts at Hillman! After a few minutes of searching the shorebird cell with many others, someone read a text say: "BNST's at the bridge.". Almost before they finished ready, everybody was packed up and head to the bridge! Once we got there it took a minute because they were 200m+ away, but we saw them! 2 of them! New ABA bird for me! (I had them in Costa Rica). And little did I know till later, the Stilts were my 100th species for the day!! Which makes them even better! None of the photos I took with my camera are really ID'able, but did get some digiscoped ones that were. But I will post them in another post.
Hillman Marsh May05 eBird Checklist

Here are some other pictures of the day(followed by today's yard birds):

Broad-winged Hawks

Wood Thrush

Photo-worthy Blue-winged Warbler

Again (not cropped), was very close!

"Strut'n ma stuff"

Took like 50 pics of this guy. (not cropped)

Beautiful bird!

Look'at that tail!

Whats that way out there!

Bald Eagle is what it is!

First ever Little Gull pics I think

Numbers around tip of this species

Scoters'n Scaup

I was very happy with how my Hoodi and Blue-winged Warbler photos turned out! They were amazing to see so close up! Especially the Hoodi.

Now for today's story. On the way to my bus stop added two more county big year birds as they were singing, Wood Thrush (#163), and Common Yellowhtroat (#164). Then when I got home, went for a nice walk. During the walk, I saw 5 species of birds. (terrible right?) But I did hear two more year birds, the "kreep" call of the Great-crested Flycatcher (#165), and a distant singing Ovenbird (#166). But one of the birds I saw, was also my lifer from yesterday!! Louisiana Waterthrush (#167) foraging along one of our small streams!! Lifer one day, new yard/county bird the next! Crazy!! With its pink little legs.. Anyways that my story!
Back Yard eBird Checklist

Also just realized, my back yard eBird checklist from today, was my 999th eBird checklist ever!! And what a good one it was!!

Good Birding!

Thursday, 2 May 2013

May 1&2

Yesterday, May1, was the first of 3 Canatara birding walks. There was a good turnout and a number of somewhat notable birds. Throughout the day, I was able to pick up 4 new species. One was on the walk, Gray Catbird (#157), and one was just before the walk Green Heron (#156). The green heron was flying around throughout the walk, I saw it at least 6 times! Other notables on the walk were:
-Great Egret
-Bald Eagle
-Broad-winged Hawk (I saw 13, most of the group missed the majority of them)
-Chimney Swift
-Yellow Warbler

The other two birds new for the year that day were Baltimore Oriole (#154), seen on my bus ride to school, and Chimney Swift (#155) in Petrolia flying around.

Crazy close Red-Tailed in Canatara!

Today I got another 4 species off the list! First thing in the morning right when I looked out the window there was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (#158) on our feeder. On the bus ride got Eastern Kingbird (#159) off the list.
Then this afternoon when I went for my walk I got 3 Black-and-white Warblers (#160), and a Northern Waterthrush (#161). 
Other notables for our property were a Northern Harrier, 3 Yellow Warblers, and a Red-breasted Nuthatch (only my second ever for our property).

 Poor pic showing unique undertail coverts.
 Another poor Black-and-white Warbler pic.
 Red-breasted Nuthatch

Tomorrow afternoon I'm heading to Point Pelee for the weekend! Can't wait to see whats there!! Especially after reading some posts from Brandon Holden, David Bell, and Josh Vandermeulen. Sooo Jealous!!

Good Birding!