Saturday, 16 February 2013

Finally Something New!

So in the time since my last post, I haven't seen anything new or interesting for the year, until today. My dad and I headed to Perch Creek Management Area in search of the Saw-whet Owl that has been there all winter. Unfortunately, we did not find the owl, though we did find about 10dead mice stuck in the cedars there! Which means it should still be around, its got plenty of food, we just couldn't find it. But, it seemed we didn't go all that way for nothing at leased! We were greeted by a flock of about 15 Cedar Waxwings, which was nice because I haven't seen all that many yet this year, and along with them, a group of at leased 6 Eastern Bluebirds! These were new for the year at leased!
Pics didn't turn out greatest, seemed to focus behind them on most of the pics.

Also, while driving I got a quick glance at a blackbird sp. Won't be too long till there everywhere again!
Good Birding! 

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